Ultimate Peace of Mind
alerts and comprehensive protection

Anytime, Anywhere
customizable access control solutions that protect your assets
and enhance security

for Seamless Operations
data network devices designed to optimize performance
and ensure reliable, high-speed connectivity

Monitoring and Alarms Services
ur Monitoring & Alarm services are designed to provide comprehensive protection and peace of mind for your business. Our range of advanced devices, work together to create a robust security system that promptly alerts you to any potential threats. These devices are essential in monitoring critical areas and systems, ensuring that any unusual activity is immediately detected and communicated, minimizing the risk of damage or loss.
These sensors are crucial for maintaining optimal conditions in sensitive environments, such as data centers or manufacturing facilities. By monitoring factors like temperature, humidity, air flow, and water presence, these devices help prevent environmental hazards that could disrupt operations.
Our suite of monitoring and alarm devices at Xafari Systems is designed to offer unparalleled protection and environmental oversight. From our advanced Security Probes and Temperature Sensors to our Smoke Detectors and Water Sensors, we ensure that your business is safeguarded against all potential risks.
Siren and Strobe Light
The combined strobe light and siren can add eye-catching audio visual alarms to the sensorProbe and securityProbe series base units. When triggered, the siren generates a loud alarm accompanied with a bright flashing strobe light, giving a clear alert of an alarm condition.
Powered by the base unit, with no additional power required, it’s perfectly suited for use in mission critical situations. The siren and strobe can be triggered by another sensors status, or controlled manually via the web interface or using it’s own SNMP OID.

Security Probe 5ESV
Monitor the physical environment and receive alerts of any disturbances, such as unauthorized intruders, security breaches, high temperatures, smoke, water leakages, power outages and more. Compatible with all the range of Intelligent Sensors, the SEC5ESV provides a complete environmental, access control and security solution for up to 500 connected sensors.
The securityProbe 5ESV has a Linux Operating System running an iMX25 CPU. An additional 2 Gigabytes SD card can be installed to provide greater storage capacity. The SEC5ESV boasts High Speed USB 2.0 connectivity with ports available to connect up to 4x AKCP High Definition Digital Cameras.
An internal GSM cellular modem is available as an option for sites with unreliable network connections.
It is TCP / IP compliant and runs web server including https (SSL), Bash, Perl, Telnet, PHP, Email and Nagios.
The SEC5ESV has an easy-to-use web-based user interface for sensor configuration, data collection and visual graphing
Security Probe 5ES
Monitor the physical environment and receive alerts of any disturbances, such as unauthorized intruders, security breaches, high temperatures, smoke, water leakages, power outages and more. Compatible with all the range of Intelligent Sensors it provides a complete environmental, access control and security monitoring solution for up to 500 connected sensors. The securityProbe 5ES Standard has a Linux Operating System running an iMX25 CPU. An additional 2 Gigabytes SD card can be installed to provide greater storage capacity.
It is TCP / IP compliant and runs web server including https (SSL), Bash, Perl, Telnet, PHP, Email and Nagios.
The securityProbe 5ES Standard has an easy-to-use web-based user interface for sensor configuration, data collection and extensive graphing. Complete SNMP functions such including SNMP v3 encryption are supported.

The securityProbe 5E Standard also supports Modbus Master / Slave, Modbus RTU and Modbus over TCP / IP creating a unique, easy to configure Modbus to SNMP gateway.
The web-based interface is written in PHP allowing end-user changes such as language translation. The securityProbe 5E Standard has a battery backed time of day clock for accurate record keeping.

Temperature and Humidity Sensor
In situations where temperature and humidity are critical, you can keep up to speed on the current conditions using this sensor. Combining temperature and moisture into one sensor frees up an additional intelligent sensor port on your base unit.
- Monitors temperature and humidity on a single intelligent sensor port
- Own SNMP OID for data collection via a network
- Temperature measurement from -40ºC – +75ºC
- Relative Humidity measurement from 0% – 100%
- Powered by the base unit, no additional power is needed
You only need to set your thresholds for low and high warning and critical parameters. The built-in graphing function of the base unit gives you a pattern of temperature or humidity trends over time.
Spot Water Detector
The spotWater detector is an advanced microprocessor based design capable of detecting distilled water. Standard water detectors are unable to detect distilled water and water with other impurities due to them using a resistance type circuit. These resistance types rely on electrolytes present in the water, therefore being unable to detect distilled water due to it’s high resistance.
The entire circuit is encased in epoxy giving it a waterproof finish and able to withstand being submerged in water for prolonged periods. It has an SNMP OID for monitoring across a network, and will therefore report it’s critical condition at anytime before returning to it’s normal state.
Notifications can be sent to you via SNMP traps, or E-mail (sensorProbe base units) or using any of the wide range of alerts available on the securityProbe series.

Rope Water sensor
With the Rope Water sensor you can protect your essential equipment from potentially harmful water damage. It forms an integral part of your disaster prevention system.
Ideal for use in basements and under false floors and roof spaces, the ropeWater sensor can cover a large area. Combined with any of the sensorProbe series or securityProbe series units it will give you advance notice of any water leaks or flooding. The sensor will retain it’s error condition until it is read via an SNMP get. Therefore if the sensor encounters a critical condition at anytime it will report that condition before it returns to a normal state.
Air Flow Sensor
The Airflow sensor is designed for systems that generate heat in the course of their operation and a steady flow of air is necessary to dissipate this heat generated. System reliability and safety could be jeopardized if this cooling airflow stops. The Airflow sensor is placed in the path of the air stream, where the user can monitor the status of the flowing air. The airflow sensor is not a precision measuring instrument. This device is meant to measure the presence or the absence of air flow.
In addition to the sensors ON or OFF status, the airflow sensors condition can also be read via an SNMP get using its OID. SNMP traps sent when critical. SNMP polling via get available. Web browser interface available. When an alarm condition is activated the description and location of the fault can be sent via email, page. This is not a precision sensor, it is ONLY designed to sense the presence and non-presence of airflow and not to measure the amount of airfow. It is best used to send an alert in the case of a fan, AC failure or when airflow is present when it should not be.

Smoke Detector
Monitoring for developing smoke is an essential aspect in the security and safety of any facility.
This smoke sensor has been designed specifically for use with its sensorProbe and securityProbe product line. These smoke detectors can be used in conjunction with all other notification alerting features.
AC Sensor Controlled Relay
The Sensor Controlled Relay can control the electrical power to devices managed over the Internet. With easy configuration and integration with the sensorProbe product series. The Sensor Controlled Relay defines a new era in energy management.
The Sensor Controlled Relay is easily controlled by any extensive selection of sensors. The relay can provide automatic responses to sensor alerts. This is useful, for example, to switch on the fan when the room temperature rises beyond the threshold level or to turn on a light when the motion detector is triggered. Setting up the Sensor Controlled Relay is easy with its built-in autosense feature and user-friendly web interface.
The Sensor Controlled Relay can also be controlled via external computers using the included SNMP command line utilities either interactively or programmatically. In addition, the Sensor Controlled Relay can be controlled via the integrated we interface on the sensorProbe.
The Sensor Controlled Relay includes Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs) and Snubber circuits to protect the open contacts of the relay from high voltage spikes or noise transients. It monitors the power and load & will accept a control signal which is sent from the sensorProbe or securityProbe base unit

AC Voltage Sensor
The AC voltage detector is used to indicate the presence or absence of line voltage. This is useful, for example, to tell when the UPS is running on battery power.
The AC Voltage Detector indicates an ALARM/NORMAL condition in software and also via an LED mounted on the sensor. Voltage detectors can detect the presence or the absence of line voltage. It is designed for use worldwide. There is an SNMP interface for getting the alarm/normal status. SNMP traps are sent when critical conditions occur.
SNMP polling via ‘get’ is available to retrieve existing status and configuration parameters. The Web browser interface is also available to display the status and configuration parameters.
When an alarm condition is activated the description and location of the fault can be sent via email, page or traps